Audiences love to scan and CrowdZap is the easiest solution to create custom QR codes and short links for your event.

Zaps are reusable too, so you can redirect them after you’ve gone to print. You can also schedule and track zaps too


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CrowdZap QR Codes

QR stands for quick response and it’s also quick to create too with CrowdZap. Create your Zap, choose the location you wish to send your audience to and within seconds it’s ready to go. Point your Zap to any online destination: web pages, documents and apps - to name a few.

You can even file the Zap under a client or campaign, so it’s easy to find.

Each QR code has an accompanying short link too, which is great to use in email campaigns on on your website.

Schedule redirects

Once you’ve created a Zap, you can schedule redirections to happen automatically, on set dates and times. Handy if you’ve printed a QR code in a brochure which you want your audience to interact with throughout the days of your conference.


Why not monetise your QR codes by giving prominence to your sponsors. CrowdZap can show an in-line ad before it reaches your destination.

Choose a static image or video and add a hyperlink to your sponsor’s web site too.


Each Zap and ad are tracked for clicks, so you can easily understand how your audience engage with it.